Thursday, July 29, 2010

2012-surrvival kit-Rob Bast

mr 1b has always been prompting us to think outside the box, think outside Malaysia, outside Hollywood and into a deeper, darker world. In this case, he introduced us to 2012. As we al know. 2012 is a phenomena whereby it is believed tat on december 21 2012, a disaster would occur wipe out the human population.

Its possibility?? NO...(in my opinion)

I mean how can we just believe this disaster based on a Mayan calendar. I undertsand the Mayan were once a great nation but were mysteriously wiped out. These had sparked debates and the point of view bt Rob Bast is seemingly interesting.

Originated from NZ, this writer like to pick on interesting topics: such as unicorns and evolution. And from his theory he debated on the lack of evidence and those who trust their instincts. He cleverly depicts a scenario where a group of person witness a muder and knows the muderer. but the muderer manages to escape. years later, the group of people were dead but their children recognize the muderer. In this case, can we charge the muderer? Nope, as there is ni oure physical eveidence displayed.

Bast believes tat the 2012 disaster may not occur but instead another catastrophy might occur. The fact is that, nobody knows what would happen in the future!!!

i certainly don't believe in tat prediction. Yes, there are loads of mysteries and doors to be unlocked but at this point, its still not believable.

however, i do hav to admit that i fond Bast's theories interesting. Unicorns, evoultion polar shifting??? cool..will see into it soon. mr 1b surface alot of topics to us,,but due to the ever-lasting assignments, ic ant seem to find more info..ohwell...will check out soon..

and ohya,,,i found tat in a survey, that amg those who believe in 2012 , 1st believe that the earth may be hit by an asteroid/comet...2nd-coronal mass injection form sun..3rd magnetic pole shift...(ohya,did u noe tat our poles are shifting>>?our magnetiv field has declined 10 % over the last 150 years and it is predicted tat the north pole wud shift 4rm canada 2 siberia in 50 years!!! GOsh!!!!

fine...sleepy nw...will found out more abt Bast and his theories...

i love food for though!!!!..

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