Thursday, July 15, 2010

Assignment 1!!!!

All right, our 1st assignment is to create a series of pictorials of built environment, and thus explain the 6 elements involved: intention, act, product, people, principle , place.Lets start with picture 1:

Picture 1 is not exactly a building. However, its one of the booths we built ourselves for Malam1Apresiasi back in my matriculation days.since its also hand built, its still considered a building environment in my eyes. We Built the booth. environment, there are more booths surrounding it. Straight to the point, i see:

Intention: To build a booth, in this case a Chinese Art inspired booth in order to spread the beauty of the Chinese culture to our other friends ranging from different races and cultures. +its inspired by a fortress!

Product: Loads of effort was put into it. Just like a mother after labour, her baby is born. In this case, our 'baby', our virtual baby is given life! and its an achievement. A product is something that we can be proud of , that represents our hard work and dedication put into it.

People: though there are no people to be seen in this picture, the people represents the people visiting the exhibition and also the people involved in the exhibition. Its not mere just the visitors.

Place: The exhibition was held in a hall, thus a place!!!! Devan Dato bahaman at KMPh(kolej matrikulasi pahang)

Picture no.2 is my block! A2...its a built environment considering the fact that its built in a college.

Intention: to provide accommodation to the students . Further, there is also a cafeteria, thus its intended as a source of food too.

Product: ermm...the product in this case, i would say is the students.By staying at the hostel, they would have a sustainable and suitable studying environment and thus gain knowledge in the end.

People: open your eyes and you can observe one lad heading to the cafeteria, with his bag pack on. Thus people are definitely involved, after all, its a hostel meant to be tenants, cleaners, felos.

Place: of course there is a place, its a hostel after all for people to stay when they are studying away from their hometowns. Thus, a place is surely involved.

3rd picture:Lost World of Tambun located at my hometown !!!! IPOH!!! yoohoo..kinda miss Ipoh..ohwell..

Intention: To provide fun and laughter, recreation, family bonding to the residents of Ipoh!!!! to provide an enjoyable time for everyone going there. basically like any other recreation park, its just a building environment to allow us to let loose.

People are playing water, splashing around. thats where the fun comes from, playing!!!

People: Hello??? a recreation park without people??? excuse me??? so take it as many people..! especially during holidays.

Principles: Hmm....i cant see it..having fun after all means gaining freedom? thus, why stick to rules??? maybe the rules of the pool??maybe certain depths cant be reached by children with certain height??

Place: Lost World of Tambun located in IPOH!!!! a water resort !!! that sums it all

4th picture is my Secondary school: SMJK Sam tet.

: to provide education and from the picture, the field is for games and sports, and behind, the orange building is in fact IPoh!!!! so in this pic, there is

Students playing football, having a great time.

: Like the previous photo, fun is gained and its thus the product! erm...a school also provides education wheres the shopping complex satisfies basic necessities.

: the school: students, teachers, staff,. For the field, maybe the school PE teacher? and for Ipoh parade?? shop lots...with business operators!

: For the match, rules are followed. in the school, rules and regulations are enforced.

: the town where 3 places exist harmoniously

elements seen clearly: People, place,Principles, Intention., product, act!

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